Community Resources
The Association often receives requests from the public for recommendations for various home service businesses. The following individuals and companies offer their services in the Mount Pleasant area. However, this listing is in no way a recommendation or endorsement and the Association cannot be held liable or responsible for their work or activities.
The Community Association sends its condolences to the family of Bob Darling, who for many years cleared neighbors' driveways of snow. Thank you for being a beloved Mt. Pleasant neighbor, Bob, and Godspeed!
Snow removal
All Track Excavation 360-452-8373
Keith Cortner 360-670-5378 (small jobs; no roads)
Darrell Bryant email: | phone: 360-460-4586
Jacobs Excavating 360-460-3359
Terry Layman 360-406-1355
Blake Mann 360-670-3335
Rainbow Sweepers 360-452-1621
Tom Thielman/Bizy Boys 360-460- 7766
Brad Washke 360-808-6513
Lessons and instruction
Diane Clark (360-461-9463; 2131 Mt. Pleasant, Rd.), Mt. Pleasant Piano Studio (piano lessons)
Household services
Let us know if you'd like to be added to this category.
Livestock care and pet sitting
Emily Breithapt, 360-460-1741 (no house sitting)
Amber Starks, email: or | phone: 360-775-4856
- housesitting, pet and livestock care, dog walking, yard work, weeding, mowing, watering, gardening, odd jobs, painting
Patricia Hopkins, 971-255-2311
- pet and housesitting during the summer (school teacher)
Contractors and home improvement
Jamie Horton (cell: 360-808-6183), co-owner, GenTech Northwest (general contractor and electrical work)
John Mason (360-670-3085), owner, 101 Pest Control
Trent Pankowski (360-912-2976;, T. Enterprises (excavating,, brush mowing, dump trailer and tractor service), licensed and bonded
Paul Tucker (360-681-4499; cell: 360-477-6337), owner, Independent Plumbing
Gabriel Hatton (360-808-7219), Agnew Tree Care (hazard assessment, caretaking, removal)
Keith Cortner (360-670-5378), small handyman jobs